You can prepare the 8621 your self! Now we have a solution for you. For several years our clients have been asking for a solution that would be cost effective for them.
Just like our subscription options you receive the same level of expertise in understanding PFIC regulations and delivering software that makes it easy to complete Form 8621 including
- Access to our Cloud based calculator
- Forms Guide – Our Forms Guide provides a road map of where all the resulting numbers should be entered on the tax return.
- A completed Form 8621
- Calculation details for your files
- We tell you where all the numbers go on the tax return as a crosscheck
- We provide all statements required by the IRS to support the calculated amounts on Form 8621 which can be attached as a PDF to most tax software programs.
- Currency conversions for 150+ foreign currencies

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You need to protect your client’s personal and financial information. Form 8621 Calculator puts you in control of sensitive client details so you decide how the information is seen and stored.
Administrative Rights | Limited to user administration |
Password Reset option | Enabled |
Location of financial data | Cloud server |
Location of sensitive client data | client sensitive data is not collected |
Collecting and storing client name and SSN | Clients identified by ID only* |
Collecting and storing client address | Disabled |
Collecting and storing client bank account numbers | Limited to last 4 digits |
Address of financial institution on Form 8621 | Optional |
Search client list | Optional |
Print Client ID on reports | Enabled |
Custom company code in Reference Numbers | Enabled |
Keeping copy of PDF forms on server | PDFs are generated on request, not saved to server |
System back-up | Daily |
Maintenance Updates | By Expat Tax Tools |
*Client ID is an alphanumeric identifier set by the User.
Access Form 8621 Calculator in these supported browsers :
- Internet Explorer 10+
- Chrome 22+
- Firefox 27+
- Safari 6+