Latest Past Events
PAYING U.S. TAXES IN CANADA – A Complimentary Seminar
Giovanni Caboto Club – Verdi Hall 2175 Parent Ave, WindsorAre you caught on the borderline? Are you a U.S. Citizen, Green Card holder, born on U.S. soil or born […]
Training: GILTI Take 2 – What We Know Now
This course delves into the global intangible low tax income (GILTI) regime that takes effect for many taxpayers in tax year 2018 and how it has evolved over the last year. We will provide an overview of the final regulations and their intent, define the new terms of art in the regulations, calculate GILTI, demonstrate how the regulations affect entities and individuals differently, and outline strategies to mitigate potential tax consequences.
Training: International Penalties and Abatement Strategies
Date: December 4, 2018
Time: 2pm - 4pm EDT
The IRS is focusing their resources on international tax compliance; as such, practitioners are seeing increasing numbers of examinations in this area along with FBAR and international information return penalties. We will discuss in detail methods to defeat these penalties, such as reasonable cause, as well as how to effectively represent clients in either an international non-compliance examination or penalty abatement engagement. In addition, we will look at case studies to bring a real-life perspective to these issues.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the penalty structures for FBARs and other international information returns.
- Explain “reasonable cause” in the context of FBAR and international information return penalties and how to effectively demonstrate reasonable cause and advocate for your client.
- Understand the different ways to contest FBAR and international information return penalties both pre-assessment and post-assessment.
Webinar Cost: $149.00 USD