PFIC Calculator

Tired of the time-consuming calculation of Form 8621 for foreign citizens living in the U.S. or U.S. citizens living abroad who need to report their foreign investments? There is an easy solution.


Form 8621 Calculator makes reporting all of the elements of Passive Foreign Investment Company Income (PFICs) easier.

Enter your PFICs information and let PFIC Calculator handle the complex calculations.

Save time

According to the IRS, it can take an experienced tax professional more than 24 hours to complete Form 8621. Save yourself the time and frustration. Form 8621 Calculator can complete the form in under an hour and turns it into a data entry exercise.

It is just three easy steps:

  • Enter client’s fund information
  • Enter fund’s transaction history
  • Make the required elections

Form 8621 Calculator provides importable grids for users of Prosystems fx, Global fx or CCH Axcess Tax Software and it can handle 150+ currencies.

Serve your clients

Your clients rely on you to know the U.S. Tax Code. Focus your time on preparing their returns accurately and serving your clients. Our expertise is understanding PFIC regulations and delivering software that makes it easy to complete Form 8621.

Our Forms Guide provides a road map of where all the resulting numbers should be entered on the tax return. Accountants and tax preparers can access unlimited use of the PFIC Calculator with an annual license. And none of your client’s personal data leaves your office.

For offices that need extra support, Expat Tax Tools has the expertise to prepare Form 8621 for them.

Stop the headaches!

Conquer the pain of PFICs reporting. From basis adjustments to return of capital to unreversed inclusions, PFIC Calculator performs all the complex calculations for you.

By combining our expertise in U.S. tax and computer programming, Form 8621 Calculator deciphers PFIC regulations for you and takes the confusion out of reporting. It means your clients will be compliant with Section 1291 taxation, Section 1293 Qualified Electing Funds (QEF), and section 1296 Mark to Market elections.

Built by tax professionals and used around the world, PFIC Calculator is the only software offering relief from PFIC reporting. If you have clients that need to comply, make your life easy.

Next Steps

Information provided by Expat Tax Tools, Inc. on this site is not to be construed as legal, tax, or accounting advice. Every effort is made to provide current and accurate information but tax laws and regulations can change and errors can occur. This information is provided “as is” with no guarantees of completeness or accuracy and without warranties of any kind- express or implicit.